Page 9 - Window and Door Hardware Catalog
P. 9

SaSh Support SyStemS

                                             TILT & NON-TILT SPIRAL BALANCES
                78B Series       78C Series        78SL Series       78M Series       80SL Series    80 Series Non-Tilt

               80-604           80-605

             • Plastic Tube   • Plastic Tube   • Plastic Tube    • Metal Tube      • Plastic Tube   • Gray Plastic

                                                                    ROBERT E. LEE                       AIRMASTER
              Ask account manager   Ask account     Ask account      Ask account      See page 92 for   See page 89 for
               for detailed chart.  manager for detailed chart.  manager for detailed chart.  manager for detailed chart.  chart details.  chart details.
                                                                              CROSSBOW BALANCES
                80A Series       80B Series       Type M Series      901 Series      960SP Series      909A Series
                 Non-Tilt         Non-Tilt           13/16"          Crossbow         Crossbow          Crossbow

            • Gray Plastic    • Black Plastic   • Old style
              Tube              Tube             was metal
                                                 tube, now
            • Primarily used                     all plastic tube
              in New York
              and New Jersey                   • Gray Plastic

                                               • Order per
                                                 sample only

               See page 90 for   See page 91 for   Ask account manager   See page 118 for   See page 119 for   See page 120 for
                chart details.    chart details.  for detailed chart.  chart details.  chart details.   chart details.
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