Page 10 - Window and Door Hardware Catalog
P. 10

SaSh Support SyStemS

       Window Balance



                                                            • Includes an assortment of 31 different series
                                                              channel (Tilt & Non-tilt), tube (Tilt & Non-tilt),
                                                              and constant force window sash balance samples.
                                                            • Counter top display included. (Made of plastic and
                                                              shipped knocked down)

                                                            • Sign included for the top of the display.
                                                            • Balances are Velcro on so they are removable for
                                                              sample identification and/or transport to site for
                                                              identification. Each balance is labeled with balance
                                                              series. Rack is also labeled so the balance samples
                                                              can be returned to the proper position.
                                                            • Also available is a generic "Any Balance for Any
                                                              Window" flyer that can be customized with your
                                                              company name & address in a PDF format, to print
                                                              and hand out (or e-mail) to your customers and for
                                                              your sales/installation/quote personnel.

                                                            • Display rack spins around 360 degrees.
                                                            • Display size is approx. 13" wide x 13" deep x 24" high.
                                                            • Also great for sales/customer meetings, customer
                                                              shows/exhibits, open house, training, and
                                                              other events.
                                                            • Well worth the investment and will pay for itself
                                                              in a short period of time as you increase your
                                                              balance sales.

                                                                               Part Number:
            Other Side

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