Page 4 - Window and Door Hardware Catalog
P. 4

SaSh Support SyStemS

                                  NON-TILT SIDE LOAD CHANNEL BALANCES
                    The following overview will help you to locate the channel balances you are looking for. There are three basic classifications:
                                      1. Non-Tilt Balances  2. Tilt Balances  3. Overhead Balances
                  We have designated each of these classifications and have made additional notes to help you determine your specific requirements.
                                   For more information, see the detailed chart page for each individual series.
           60 Series Non-Tilt 5/8"         60A & 60AX Series          60P Series Non-Tilt   60G Series Non-Tilt
                                            The Invisible Balance

          ! Used in aluminum           ! Mounted in the
         windows since 1960s.          side of the
                                       window sash.
          ! Must always have a
         top and bottom                ! Used primarily
         guide attached.               in custom
                                       wood windows
          ! Many guide                 when jambliners
         variations available.         are not
                                       ! Great for
                                       ! Original used
                                       wire cable, no
                                       longer available.

           See page 13 for chart details.  See pages 27-28 for chart details.  See page 29 for chart details.  See page 30 for chart details.
                                  NON-TILT SIDE LOAD CHANNEL BALANCES
      60AZF4 Series Non-Tilt  60I Series Non-Tilt      61 Series Non-Tilt  61AP Series Non-Tilt  62R Series Non-Tilt

                                             ! This is a variation of
                                             the original 60 - Series.
                                             It has a hemmed edge
                                             and in most cases has
                                             an adjustment screw.
                                             ! In most cases can use
                                             60 - Series.

                                                                                                  Minimum Order
       Ask account manager   See page 35 for                                  See page 42 for     See page 67 for
         for detailed chart.  chart details.        See page 40 for chart details.  chart details.  chart details.
                                                                                                     © 2023 PGI.
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