Page 93 - Window and Door Hardware Catalog
P. 93

SaSh Support SyStemS

                                                     83 SERIES BALANCES
                                                      3/8" TILT TUBE BALANCE

                                                Now Available in White and Black Tubes.
                                       Ordering Information                                  General Information
            1. Measure metal tube length. (Do not include nylon bearing.)          Appropriate tensioning tools are 85-511 and
            2. Identify color of bearing (e.g. white or red) and select corresponding part number from the chart below.  85-515 as shown on pages 113 and 121.
            3. When ordering a black or white tube, add a B (black) or W (white) at the end of the part number
            Tube Length Bearing Color Weight Range  Part#  Tube Length Bearing Color Weight Range  Part#  Tube Length Bearing Color Weight Range  Part#
               10      white   4 thru 13   83-10W   19   yellow   24 thru 34   83-19Y   28   red     10 thru 22   83-28R
               10      red     8 thru 17   83-10R   20    red     8 thru 21   83-20R   28    green   14 thru 26   83-28G
               10      blue   11 thru 20   83-10B   20    blue   12 thru 22   83-20B   28    yellow   24 thru 34   83-28Y
               11      white   4 thru 13   83-11W   20    green   14 thru 26   83-20G   29   red     10 thru 22   83-29R
               11      red     7 thru 17   83-11R   20   yellow   24 thru 34   83-20Y   29   green   14 thru 26   83-29G
               11      blue   11 thru 20   83-11B   21    white   6 thru 15   83-21W   29    yellow   24 thru 34  83-29Y
               11     green   14 thru 20   83-11G   21    red     8 thru 21   83-21R   30    red     10 thru 22  83-30R
               12      white   4 thru 13   83-12W   21    blue   12 thru 22   83-21B   30    green   14 thru 26  83-30G
               12      red     7 thru 17   83-12R   21    green   14 thru 26   83-21G   30   yellow   24 thru 34  83-30Y
               12      blue   11 thru 20   83-12B   21   yellow   24 thru 34   83-21Y   31   white   5 thru 21  83-31W
               12     green   14 thru 20   83-12G   22    red     8 thru 21   83-22R   31    red     10 thru 22  83-31R
               13      white   4 thru 13   83-13W   22    blue   12 thru 22   83-22B   31    green   14 thru 26  83-31G
               13      red     7 thru 17   83-13R   22    green   14 thru 26   83-22G   31   yellow   24 thru 34  83-31Y
               13      blue   11 thru 20   83-13B   22   yellow   24 thru 34   83-22Y   32   red     10 thru 22  83-32R
               13     green   14 thru 22   83-13G   23    red     7 thru 21   83-23R   32    green   14 thru 26  83-32G
               14      white   4 thru 13   83-14W   23    blue   12 thru 22   83-23B   32    yellow   24 thru 34  83-32Y
               14      red     6 thru 17   83-14R   23    green   14 thru 26   83-23G   33   white   7 thru 22  83-33W
               14      blue    9 thru 21   83-14B   23   yellow   24 thru 34   83-23Y   33   green   14 thru 26  83-33G
               14     green   14 thru 24   83-14G   24    red     7 thru 21   83-24R   33    yellow   24 thru 34  83-33Y
               15      white   4 thru 13   83-15W   24    blue   11 thru 22   83-24B   34    white   7 thru 22  83-34W
               15      red     6 thru 17   83-15R   24    green   14 thru 26   83-24G   34   green   14 thru 26  83-34G
               15      blue    9 thru 21   83-15B   24   yellow   24 thru 34   83-24Y   34   yellow   24 thru 34  83-34Y
               15     green   14 thru 24   83-15G   25    white   6 thru 14   83-25W   35    white   7 thru 22  83-35W
               16      red     6 thru 17   83-16R   25    red     7 thru 21   83-25R   35    green   14 thru 26  83-35G
               16      blue    9 thru 21   83-16B   25    blue   11 thru 22   83-25B   35    yellow   24 thru 34  83-35Y
               16     green   14 thru 24   83-16G   25    green   14 thru 26   83-25G   36   white   7 thru 22  83-36W
               17      red     6 thru 17   83-17R   25   yellow   24 thru 34   83-25Y   36   green   14 thru 26  83-36G
               17      blue    9 thru 21   83-17B   26    red    10 thru 22   83-26R   36    yellow   24 thru 34  83-36Y
               17     green   14 thru 24   83-17G   26    green   14 thru 26   83-26G   37   white   7 thru 22  83-37W
               17     yellow   24 thru 34   83-17Y   26   yellow   24 thru 34   83-26Y   37   green   14 thru 26  83-37G
               18      red     6 thru 16   83-18R   27    red    10 thru 22   83-27R   37    yellow   24 thru 34  83-37Y
               18      blue    9 thru 21   83-18B   27    green   14 thru 26   83-27G   38   white   7 thru 22  83-38W
               18     green   14 thru 24   83-18G   27   yellow   24 thru 34   83-27Y   38   green   14 thru 26  83-38G
               18     yellow   24 thru 34   83-18Y                                   38      yellow   24 thru 34  83-38Y
               19      red     6 thru 16   83-19R                                    39      white   7 thru 22  83-39W
               19      blue    9 thru 21   83-19B                                    39      green   14 thru 26  83-39G
               19     green   14 thru 26   83-19G                                    39      yellow   24 thru 34  83-39Y
                                             83 SERIES BALANCE ACCESSORIES
                                                         PIVOT LOCK SHOES

                      83-500                    83-507                     83-508                    83-509
               Black Cam. Opening: 1/4" x 3/16"  Red Cam                  White Cam                Royal Blue Cam
                 Used with Pivot Bar 83-504  Opening: 1/4" x 3/16"     Opening: 1/4" x 3/16"     Opening: 1/4" x 3/16"

                      83-538              White Nylon with White Cam       83-512                    83-514
                White Nylon with Red Cam  GENERAL ALUM/ METAL        Cam Opening: 21/64" x 7/32"     Blue Cam
                  ALENCO/ PLY GEM              INDUSTRIES                  4 Pins                   CAREFREE
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