Page 30 - Window and Door Hardware Catalog
P. 30

SaSh Support SyStemS

                                                                                              Bottom bracket not
                                                                                               sold separately.
                                                                                                Bottom bracket
                                                                                               contains a roller.
                                              *Note: When ordering balances where the number stamped on balance ends with DS (example 21DS) you
                    INSTRUCTIONS              need to specify the exact sash weight within the range listed on the chart.
      1. Measure metal channel length (do not include plastic ends,    Ordering Example: Number stamped on balance is 21DS, exact sash weight is 34 lbs. and the end clip
        metal channel only)                   combination is -1, you would then order part number 60G-21DS34
      2. Check number stamped on balance (e.g.: 24-1, 36-3, etc.)         Example Ordering Chart
      3. Select our corresponding part number from chart below  Length of Metal   Number Stamped  Our Part   End Clip   Complete Part
      4. Select your ends and clip combination from the list and add    Channel  on Balance  Number  Combination  Number
        suffix to end of part number you choose from chart.  24-5/8"    24-3   60G-243    -1      60G-243-1

        Length of   Number   Sash  Our Part   Length of   Number   Sash  Our Part   Length of   Number   Sash  Our Part
         Metal   Stamped                   Metal  Stamped                   Metal  Stamped
        Channel  on Balance  Weight  Number  Channel  on Balance  Weight  Number  Channel  on Balance  Weight  Number
         12-5/8"  12-1     3-6    60G-121  16-5/8"  16-5    18-22  60G-165  21-5/8"  21-3    11-14   60G-213
         12-5/8"  12-2     6-9    60G-122  16-5/8"  16-9    22-26  60G-169  21-5/8"  21-4    14-22   60G-214
         12-5/8"  12-3     9-11   60G-123  16-5/8"  16DS*   27-35   60G-16DS*  21-5/8"  21-5  22-25  60G-215
         12-5/8"  12-4    11-12   60G-124  17-5/8"  17-1    4-7    60G-171  21-5/8"  21-9    25-30  60G-219
         12-5/8"  12-5    12-15   60G-125  17-5/8"  17-2    7-11   60G-172  21-5/8"  21DS*   31-40  60G-21DS*
         12-5/8"  12-6    15-18   60G-126  17-5/8"  17-3    11-13  60G-173  22-5/8"  22-1    4-7    60G-221
         12-5/8"  12-9    18-21   60G-129  17-5/8"  17-4    13-15  60G-174  22-5/8"  22-2    7-11   60G-222
         12-5/8"  12DS*    22-30   60G-12DS*  17-5/8"  17-5  15-19  60G-175  22-5/8"  22-3   11-18  60G-223
         13-5/8"  13-1     3-6    60G-131  17-5/8"  17-9    19-26  60G-179  22-5/8"  22-4    18-22   60G-224
         13-5/8"  13-2     6-9    60G-132  17-5/8"  17DS*   27-35   60G-17DS*  22-5/8"  22-5  22-26  60G-225
         13-5/8"  13-3     9-11   60G-133  18-5/8"  18-1    4-7    60G-181  22-5/8"  22-9    26-30   60G-229
         13-5/8"  13-4    11-12   60G-134  18-5/8"  18-2    7-11   60G-182  22-5/8"  22DS*    31-40   60G-22DS*
         13-5/8"  13-5    12-16   60G-135  18-5/8"  18-3    11-13  60G-183  23-5/8"  23-1    4-8    60G-231
         13-5/8"  13-6     16-19   60G-136  18-5/8"  18-4   13-16  60G-184  23-5/8"  23-2    8-14   60G-232
         13-5/8"  13-9     16-22   60G-139  18-5/8"  18-5   16-23  60G-185  23-5/8"  23-3    14-17  60G-233
         13-5/8"  13DS*    22-35   60G-13DS*  18-5/8"  18-6  23-26  60G-186  23-5/8"  23-4   17-21  60G-234
         14-5/8"  14-1     4-6    60G-141  18-5/8"  18-9    26-29  60G-189  23-5/8"  23-5    21-26  60G-235
         14-5/8"  14-2     6-9    60G-142  18-5/8"  18DS*   30-35  60G-18DS*  23-5/8"  23-9  26-30  60G-239
         14-5/8"  14-3     9-11   60G-143  19-5/8"  19-1    4-7    60G-191  23-5/8"  23DS*    31-40   60G-23DS*
         14-5/8"  14-4    11-12   60G-144  19-5/8"  19-2    7-11   60G-192  24-5/8"  24-1    4-8     60G-241
         14-5/8"  14-5    12-17   60G-145  19-5/8"  19-3    11-15  60G-193  24-5/8"  24-2    8-14    60G-242
         14-5/8"  14-6    17-22   60G-146  19-5/8"  19-4    15-16  60G-194  24-5/8"  24-3    14-18   60G-243
         14-5/8"  14-9    22-25   60G-149  19-5/8"  19-5    16-20  60G-195  24-5/8"  24-4    18-23   60G-244
         14-5/8"  14DS*    26-35   60G-14DS*  19-5/8"  19-6  20-25  60G-196  24-5/8"  24-5   23-29  60G-245
         15-5/8"  15-1     4-6    60G-151  19-5/8"  19-9    25-29  60G-199  24-5/8"  24-9    29-34  60G-249
         15-5/8"  15-2     6-8    60G-152  19-5/8"  19DS*   30-40   60G-19DS*  24-5/8"  24DS*  35-45  60G-24DS*
         15-5/8"  15-3     8-11   60G-153  20-5/8"  20-1    4-7    60G-201  25-5/8"  25-1    4-8    60G-251
         15-5/8"  15-4    11-12   60G-154  20-5/8"  20-2    7-11   60G-202  25-5/8"  25-2    8-14   60G-252
         15-5/8"  15-5    12-16   60G-155  20-5/8"  20-3    11-14  60G-203  24-5/8"  24-9    29-34  60G-249
         15-5/8"  15-6    16-21   60G-156  20-5/8"  20-4    14-22  60G-204  24-5/8"  24DS*   35-45  60G-24DS*
         15-5/8"  15-9    21-23   60G-159  20-5/8"  20-5    22-25  60G-205  25-5/8"  25-1    4-8     60G-251
         15-5/8"  15DS*   24-35  60G-15DS*  20-5/8"  20-6   25-28   60G-206  25-5/8"  25-2   8-14    60G-252
         16-5/8"  16-1     4-7    60G-161  20-5/8"  20-9    28-31   60G-209  25-5/8"  25-3   14-18   60G-253
         16-5/8"  16-2     7-11   60G-162  20-5/8"  20DS*   31-40  60G-20DS*  25-5/8"  25-4  18-24   60G-254
         16-5/8"  16-3    11-13   60G-163  21-5/8"  21-1    4-7    60G-211  25-5/8"  25-5    24-30  60G-255
         16-5/8"  16-4    13-18   60G-164  21-5/8"  21-2    7-11   60G-212  25-5/8"  25-9    30-34  60G-259
                                                                                             Continued on next page
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